Air Sanitizer Test @ CVRL - Dubai - UAE

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Air Sanitizer Test @ CVRL - Dubai - UAE

TPA Air Technology
Published in News · Friday 17 Feb 2023
Image (© CVRL)

In February 2023 TPA X8 Pro Air Sanitizer were installed and tested in the Laboratory Virology Department and the Serology Cool Room of the Central Veterinary Research Laboratory, one each room.
Before switching on the air sanitizer bacterial and fungal air samples are taken on selective agar plates manufactured by the Central Veterinary Research Laboratory’s own production.
After switching on the air sanitizer, additional air samples were taken again after 5 days and 8 days of operation.
The agar plates were incubated in the CVRL's own laboratory, the result was recorded both, optically and quantitatively.
There was a significant difference in improvement of the air quality after just 5 or 8 days after the air sanitizer were put into operation. As the labs of the Central Veterinary Research Laboratory are already cleaned very well by various filter devices (HEPA), a striking reduction in the amount of bacterial and fungal colony forming units per liter of air (cfu/L) could be determined.
Since various microbiological sources such as employees, air conditioning, and other sources are permanently present and can never be eliminated completely, the number of pathogens has nevertheless been significantly reduced.
At the same time, the dust was permanently removed from the rooms by the air sanitizer, thus removing the breeding ground for pathological germs to grow.
The test of the air sanitizer has shown that it not only removes dust from the air but also eliminates microbiological germs such as fungi and bacteria at the same time.
The use of the devices in animal husbandry in closed rooms under air conditioning can therefore only be recommended, especially in summer when temperatures and humidity are high.
“We see enormous potential here by keeping animals f.e. falcons in closed rooms, particular to prevent diseases caused by airborne pathogens such as Aspergillus and E-Coli. It is recommended to use the devices in human medicine as well. Here, too, a significant reduction in airborne pathogens can be assumed. This would finally avoid any air-borne disease.”
certifies Dr. Dr. habil. U. Wernery, Scientific Director of the Central Veterinary Research Laboratory.
About CVRL:
Founded in 1985 by HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, Ruler of Dubai, the Central Veterinary Research Laboratory (CVRL) is a government diagnostic centre that provides testing and research facilities to the UAE and neighbouring countries.                                                                                                                                                



The complete Test Protocol is available on request. Please write us a message.

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